Monday, January 12, 2015

Get Plymouth, MN Heating & Air Conditioning Ready for Winter’s Peak

It’s common knowledge that Midwestern US states like Minnesota take the brunt of the cold season. The average winter temperature for the area is 10 degrees Fahrenheit or -12 degrees Celsius. Still, some people can’t help but wonder just how cold things are for the 2014-2015 winter season. Recent reports reveal that things are as frigid as ever. Based on the latest figures, some areas in the state have experienced six sub-zero days this season. The average number of sub-zero days during wintertime in MN is eight. So have locals experienced the worst that Old Man Winter can throw at them? Not even close; experts predict that things are likely to get even colder. After all, the season has yet to reach its peak—which is typically from mid-January to mid-February. As such, maintaining Plymouth, MN heating & air conditioning systems is something that locals should keep in mind.

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